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What is the GB/T1591 Q345B steel materials

GB/T1591 Q345B steel is a Chinese standardized low alloy, medium tensile strength steel made with a hot-rolling process, and is used for a number of manufacturing purposes. The GB/T1591 Q345B steel with less than 0.2 percent of its composition made up of carbon, less than 0.55 percent of its composition made of silicon and several impurities (mostly sulfur, chromium and nickel).

The major benefit of GB/T1591 Q345B steel is its mild temper. It's easy to form and easy to weld, allowing it to be used to put sheet plate on doors, steel cabinets and the exterior surfaces of most objects. if you have got an object with GB/T1591 Q345B steel exterior that was made in China, this is the grade of steel used for the outside of it. It is the combination of comparatively low price and ease of use that makes this steel nearly ubiquitous in consumer goods where low weight isn’t a major concern.