Angle steel
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SS400 angle steel

SS400 angle steel

SS400 angle steel is the Japanese steel material of a marking, Foreign standards of structural steel often classified according to tensile strength, such as SS400 (Japan is so marked), where the minimum value of 400 means that σb to 400MPa high strength steel is σb ≥ 1373 Mpa steel. [Chemical composition (%)]

SS400 angle steel Chemical Composition %
P: 0.050 or less
S: 0.050 below

SS400 steel plate Mechanical Property
Mechanical Property SS400
Tensile strength, Min,Mpa 400-510
Yield strength, thickness Min,Mpa
6<a≤16mm ≥245
16<a≤40mm ≥235
a>40mm ≥215

About tensile strength
Definition of tensile strength Specimens during stretching, the material after yielding the stage to strengthen the stage, with significantly reduced cross-sectional dimension transverse tensile specimen pull off when exposure to the most vigorous (Fb), divided by the original cross-section of the specimen stress (σ) (So) obtained, called the tensile strength or ultimate strength (σb), in units of N / mm2 (MPa). It represents a metal material to resist damage under tension maximum capacity.

bebon Chinese steel provider, we have a large number of SSS400 angle steel
stock. If you need SS400 angle steel,you can contact us.